
Bugaboo / Studio Zelden Product Videos

Music Production


Studio Zelden made over 60 various ads, comparison, guided selling and what's new - video's for Bugaboo to introduce their newest baby strollers "Fox 3, Lynx and Donkey". The video lengths ranged widely so the music needed to be easily customizable. The briefing request entailed uplifting, happy music with a touch of coolness.


We started off skimming and selecting tracks of our own library. We speeded up and slowed down some tracks that matched the briefing. After a bit of back-and-forthing with the agency we tied the knot and delivered a pack of multiple tracks, with alternative versions and all the separate layers in order to make the editing quick and easily done.


The video's were used in the online worldwide campaign of Bugaboo and were pushed-online in many countries.

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